About Me


Every time I take a trip home to the NW coast of Tasmania, I pay a visit to an old friend of mine, ‘The Big Tree’. In Tommeginne Country, this beauty is a 400-year-old stringybark that rises 62 metres overhead and is 16 metres round at the base! A beautiful old soul that warms my heart and calms my mind, hidden in the rainforest that is my backyard.


The Sibylline Oracles is the realisation of my dream to share my services and skills with the world. I was always the odd one out growing up and knew that my consciousness was connected with the natural world in a more advanced way than my peers. Whether it be sitting in the woods, climbing trees, making ‘potions in the backyard or dancing in the rain, I was ALWAYS outside. I feel a sense of safety, understanding and knowledge whenever I step into nature and have always cherished this relationship I have with the world.

My magical practices officially started when I was 16 years old, in my bedroom with the door shut, lighting candles and performing mini rituals for myself. This effectively snowballed from my childhood bedroom in Tasmania to my home in NSW, and I am now a loud and proud full-time practitioner of NeoPaganism, spellcraft and artist.

I believe that we never stop learning, and I am so excited to see where this business takes me and what it will teach me about myself, my practice and the world around me. So keep your eye out for future updates as I continue to grow with The Sibylline Oracles!

Blessed be,

Sibyl Till xxx